Brenda’s Blog

Read from Brenda’s Journal

Welcome to the perfect place for anyone who wants to learn more about forgiveness. From tips on how to forgive yourself and others, to advice on how to let go of grudges and resentment, this blog has everything you need to start living a life of joy and peace.

Radical Self Responsibility

Radical Self Responsibility

Let's face it. Most of my life was not taking responsibility for myself. I felt like life was happening to me and not for me as I believe today. What that looked like was one heck of a lot of blaming. Yep. Blaming my mom, dad, exes (I had...

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It Came from Nowhere

It Came from Nowhere

Have you ever felt angry for no reason? That tightness in your head - almost feeling like a headache and your body is tense and you drop something or stub your toe getting out of bed and you start cussing. Yeah...I get that. I just went...

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Untying the Knot

Untying the Knot

Have you heard the term "gut wrenching pain"? Or maybe you have experienced this in your life? When you read that statement where do you feel it? Probably in your gut. Feeling Wronged When we have been wronged by someone or we feel that...

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Accessing the Power of Gratitude

Accessing the Power of Gratitude

The practice of gratitude as a tool for happiness has been in the mainstream for years. Long-term studies support gratitude’s effectiveness, suggesting that a positive, appreciative attitude contributes to greater success in work, greater...

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It’s Time to Love Yourself

It’s Time to Love Yourself

  Do you feel at home wherever you are?  In your actual home and your body since your body is home for all the parts of you? When we feel at home, we feel peace, security, safety and belonging. These foundations not only help us to...

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Ready to transform your life

Are you ready to change your life, and do you want some one-on-one guidance? Are you struggling and you know that you need to set aside dedicated time to work on forgiveness in your life? Are you simply a private person and would feel more comfortable with individual coaching? If any of these sounds like you then working with me one on one might be the perfect decision.

Take The Quiz

Take The Quiz

Are you struggling with a situation or a person in your life? Wondering if you are ready to work on radical forgiveness?

Take our quiz to find out your emotional IQ and how this impacts your ability to forgive. 

Are you struggling with a situation or a person in your life? Wondering if you are ready to work on radical forgiveness?

Take our quiz to find out your emotional IQ and how this impacts your ability to forgive. 


“I so greatly appreciate Brenda Reiss.  Working with Brenda the past 3 months and attending the Magic of Forgiveness workshop has brought me freedom that will last my life time.”  

Holly A.

“I feel honored and blessed to have been part of Brenda’s Class. Brenda is a natural when it comes to being a great speaker! She is organized, loving, intuitive and pays attention to detail as well as how people are feeling. The group connected so well and we all benefited from each other’s insights and experiences. This study is a life changer and for the better. I highly recommend it and with Brenda’s extensive background of training and personal skills she is by far a teacher of excellence! Thank you Brenda so much!”


“What I admire the most is that Brenda walks her talk – she radiates that joy and peace of mind which she says is possible with forgiveness. And from her story I learned that this wasn’t how she used to live – this brave woman has to heal and recreate, rediscover herself. Thank you for hope and inspiration.”

Anna M

Brenda will teach you to transform what hurts you into what heals you.  Powerful medicine that all of us need. 

You will immediately use the forgiveness steps as easily as you use a fork and knife. You’ll be astounded at how often this comes in handy.  Once Brenda places the power of forgiveness into your hands, you’ll carry it always. 

I highly recommend her as a coach and workshop guide.” 

Sarri Gilman, LMFT

“As a coach/teacher Brenda is filled with so much caring and information and had our groups and individual sessions so thoroughly planned out. This was such an amazing process for me, not only being able to diffuse the misinformation and twisted truth that I had carried around to believe as my story, but to reframe the story and then be able to move on with a clearer and much lighter story. After years of much work in many areas, this form of spiritual clearing and unblocking is so much better for me and helps me grow in so many areas.” 


“The forgiveness work Brenda does is powerful and life changing. I was able to experience forgiveness at a deeper and more freeing level. Her courage to share her story and how she walked thru radical forgiveness is evidence of how transformational it is. Going through the worksheets she provides and doing the work she teaches impacted my life and I know it will impact yours.” 

Rae Ann Hall

“Those qualities are especially important to me when I am in need of support from a coach. I personally feel better understood if I email my dilemma ahead of time as a journaling exercise instead of being confused as to what I want from our one-on-one sessions. Sometimes just being heard was all I needed, but if not she offered me the support I needed through her personal radical approach to helping me sort out whatever it was that bothered me. Brenda is a talented coach, and she is committed to her client’s growth and wellbeing. Thanks, Brenda.” – Dean
