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Forgive Yourself And Step Into Your Power (2nd Edition)
Forgiveness is the key to restoring and maintaining wellbeing—forgiveness of ourselves, of others, and even of life itself. Each individual life is indeed a journey. And one of the biggest decisions each of us will ever make is how we wish to spend our life—as a victim, or as a victor.
By continuing along your own, unique journey as a victim, you're always carrying an enormous amount of baggage. That's a lot of heavy lifting for one person to endure.
However, if you choose to travel the road of life as a victor, you'll be amazed how much lighter, joyful and fancy-free your journey can be. Forgiveness isn't solely about getting rid of anger and resentment; forgiveness is about cultivating an environment of acceptance and allowance so that you can create the life you were designed to live.
Why Forgive Yourself?
In this insightful guide, Reiss shares a structured journey, divided into four parts:
Forgiving Yourself – Move beyond self-blame and release patterns that hold you back.
Forgiving Others – Learn to let go of resentment and embrace a fresh perspective on relationships.
Leading a Forgiving Life – Incorporate forgiveness into daily life to enhance joy and resilience.
Forgiveness for Growth – Use forgiveness as a foundation for personal and emotional growth.
Packed with action prompts, inspiring quotes, and real-life success stories, Forgive Yourself encourages you to look inward, question negative self-talk, and adopt a compassionate approach to past mistakes.
I’m so excited for this beauty! I loved partnering with Michelle Radomski who is the most fabulous mandala artist I have experienced as she brings so much energy to the mandalas.
This book showcases the steps in the forgiveness process I take my clients through in a very gentle and simple process, and now it is highlighted with journaling pages and a gorgeous mandala for each step.
My hope is that you enjoy the book as much as I have in creating it
Take the Quiz
Are you struggling with a situation or a person in your life? Wondering if you are ready to work on forgiving yourself?
Take our quiz to find out your emotional IQ and how this impacts your ability to forgive.
Take the Quiz
Are you struggling with a situation or a person in your life? Wondering if you are ready to work on forgiving yourself?
Take our quiz to find out your emotional IQ and how this impacts your ability to forgive.
“Brenda, I wanted to take a moment to send you a sincere heartfelt thank you. I’ve done a lot of personal and spiritual growth work over the last twenty years but I didn’t realize until recently how much my childhood relationships were still controlling my reactions and happiness. After my first session where I complained about all the reasons other people should be different, you gently encouraged me to engage in the Radical Forgiveness process with my mother.
My motto is that if you are going to take the time to do something, do it all the way. Which I did. I wrote pages of thoughts and feelings about and to my mother. And then you lovingly lead me through a powerful re-frame process. I feel completely different now, about my mother and about myself.
I have a whole new connection to my mother because I see things from an adult’s perspective, not a child’s. I now have a tool to help me re-frame all of my relationships and I’m committed to doing the work. I’m excited to see how this fresh perspective will improve my life. Thank you for sharing your gifts and passion for this work.”
“What I admire the most is that Brenda walks her talk – she radiates that joy and peace of mind which she says is possible with forgiveness. And from her story I learned that this wasn’t how she used to live – this brave woman has to heal and recreate, rediscover herself. Thank you for hope and inspiration.”
“The forgiveness work Brenda does is powerful and life changing. I was able to experience forgiveness at a deeper and more freeing level. Her courage to share her story and how she walked thru radical forgiveness is evidence of how transformational it is. Going through the worksheets she provides and doing the work she teaches impacted my life and I know it will impact yours.”
“Brenda will teach you to transform what hurts you into what heals you. Powerful medicine that all of us need.
You will immediately use the forgiveness steps as easily as you use a fork and knife. You’ll be astounded at how often this comes in handy. Once Brenda places the power of forgiveness into your hands, you’ll carry it always.
I highly recommend her as a coach and workshop guide.”
“As a coach/teacher Brenda is filled with so much caring and information and had our groups and individual sessions so thoroughly planned out. This was such an amazing process for me, not only being able to diffuse the misinformation and twisted truth that I had carried around to believe as my story, but to reframe the story and then be able to move on with a clearer and much lighter story. After years of much work in many areas, this form of spiritual clearing and unblocking is so much better for me and helps me grow in so many areas.”
“I so greatly appreciate Brenda Reiss. Working with Brenda the past 3 months and attending the Magic of Forgiveness workshop has brought me freedom that will last my life time.”
“Those qualities are especially important to me when I am in need of support from a coach. I personally feel better understood if I email my dilemma ahead of time as a journaling exercise instead of being confused as to what I want from our one-on-one sessions. Sometimes just being heard was all I needed, but if not she offered me the support I needed through her personal radical approach to helping me sort out whatever it was that bothered me. Brenda is a talented coach, and she is committed to her client’s growth and wellbeing. Thanks, Brenda.” – Dean