Navigating the Rollercoaster of Grief with Joan Kpandei

 When leaders show forgiveness, they bring a sense of emotional intelligence and strength that resonates throughout the entire team. Did you know forgiveness can transform your leadership and team dynamics? Today I’m talking about the powerful role of forgiveness in enhancing team dynamics and creating a positive, productive work environment. I have worked with […]
August 17, 2024

Brenda Reiss Coaching

Brenda Reiss is a Forgiveness Coach and author of “Forgive Yourself” and “Journey to Your Heart Space” and host of the “Forgive Yourself Podcast”. She facilitates workshops and group programs that guide women from being stuck in guilt, resentment, and self-sabotage to feeling freer, more expanded and ready to share themselves and their passions with the world.

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  • Replace Regret with Gratitude

Navigating the Rollercoaster of Grief with Joan Kpandei

When leaders show forgiveness, they bring a sense of emotional intelligence and strength that resonates throughout the entire team.

Did you know forgiveness can transform your leadership and team dynamics? Today I’m talking about the powerful role of forgiveness in enhancing team dynamics and creating a positive, productive work environment.

I have worked with numerous leaders and teams, witnessing firsthand the transformative impact of forgiveness in the workplace. As an expert in emotional intelligence and conflict resolution, I bring a unique perspective on how forgiveness can revolutionize the way we approach leadership and teamwork.

When you create a culture of forgiveness, you can bring understanding and compassion to the forefront, and that’s more productive for the team.

During this episode, I delve into the various ways forgiveness can benefit leaders and their teams. I explain how forgiveness can inspire trust, respect, and open communication within a team, fostering a culture of collaboration and resilience. I also address the common obstacles leaders face when practicing forgiveness, such as the fear of appearing weak or losing authority, the emotional labor involved in letting go, and the vulnerability required to model this behavior. And I emphasize the importance of overcoming these challenges to create a positive, productive work environment where team members feel safe to take risks, innovate, and learn from their mistakes.

Forgiveness as a leadership skill, significantly improves communication and cooperation within the team. Because when people feel safe admitting their mistakes and discussing challenges openly, barriers are broken down and a spirit of collaboration can grow.

This episode is perfect for any leader or aspiring leader who wants to cultivate a thriving, harmonious team. I provide you with practical steps and strategies to help you develop forgiveness as a core leadership trait, including fostering empathy, engaging in reflective listening, learning conflict resolution techniques, leading by example, and creating an environment where team members feel safe to admit mistakes. By implementing these practices, leaders will learn how to transform their teams into cohesive, resilient units ready to face challenges together.

Cultivating forgiveness as a leadership skill is a journey, but it’s one worth taking for the incredible benefits it brings to team dynamics and workplace harmony.

Furthermore, I discuss the long-term effects of embracing forgiveness as a leadership style, highlighting its impact on team loyalty, productivity, and company culture. Forgiveness builds trust, strengthens bonds, and enhances employee satisfaction, ultimately contributing to a better overall performance and a more robust bottom line.

Don’t miss this insightful and transformative episode on the power of forgiveness in leadership.

Thank you so much for being here. Share this episode with someone who might find it helpful, and let’s cultivate a community of understanding and forgiveness together. And feel free to reach out anytime, I’m here for you.


About Joan Kapandei 

Joan Kpandei is a certified advanced grief specialist, certified grief informed professional from PESI Eau Claire Wisconsin USA, a certified grief and bereavement counselor from Centre of excellence Manchester United kingdom, a certified Christian counselor from (IIFBC)
international institute of faith based counselor Beaumont Texas USA. She is also a grief educator and advocate.

Joan hosts a weekly online talk show on Instagram called “The Grief Show” that seeks to create awareness on grief, its effect, process and moving forward.

She also facilitates training sessions on grief and loss for corporate organizations and churches. She works with the human resource department of organizations to provide one on one counseling and advisory services to grieving staff and management. She also does counseling and therapy for individual clients.

She is the founder of Gemme Sisters Club a non for profit (NGO) organization that seeks to inspire, encourage, advocate and restore hope to the broken hearted and emotionally wounded. Joan is the author of the book “Give your pain a voice – the power of talk.” It throws light on the importance and essence of talk therapy.

She’s married to Solomon Kpandei and they’re blessed with three children.


Joan’s Website and Links:
Joan’s Book!


The Brenda Reiss Podcast and content posted by Brend Reiss is presented solely for general informational, educational, and entertainment purposes. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast or website is at the user’s own risk. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician, professional coach, psychotherapist, or other qualified professional, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical or mental health condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their healthcare professionals for any such conditions.

Brenda Reiss Coaching

Brenda Reiss is a Forgiveness Coach and author of “Forgive Yourself” and “Journey to Your Heart Space” and host of the “Forgive Yourself Podcast”. She facilitates workshops and group programs that guide women from being stuck in guilt, resentment, and self-sabotage to feeling freer, more expanded and ready to share themselves and their passions with the world.

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Wondering if you are ready to work on forgiving yourself?

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Buy Brenda’s Book and learn how to…

  • Step into your power
  • Illuminate Your Purpose
  • Replace Regret with Gratitude

The Brenda Reiss Podcast and content posted by Brend Reiss is presented solely for general informational, educational, and entertainment purposes. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast or website is at the user’s own risk. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician, professional coach, psychotherapist, or other qualified professional, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical or mental health condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their healthcare professionals for any such conditions.


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