Hello, I’m Brenda Reiss

And I believe you have what it takes to step into your own power.

You might be wondering; how can you step into your power? What does that even mean?

Not so long ago I sat where many of you sit today. Every day was like walking on eggshells. I struggled with my worthiness, working so hard trying to prove myself in business and in life that my body was breaking down.

Everyone else came first for me, and that manifested in my relationships being very codependent.

Something had to change….

The person I am today is a direct result of self-forgiveness and having the courage to find the strength to reclaim my life. My story is a testament to the power we have over our own lives if we just take the time to be curious about what is possible and what is holding us back from being the person we are meant to be.

After a lifetime of challenges, abuse, and failed relationships, I saw myself as a victim.

This belief reinforced my view that my life was never going to be anything more than my current situation. This mindset manifested as eating disorders, toxic relationships, and life-threatening health issues.

It became a perpetual cycle of victimhood, and I could not see past it.


I couldn’t go on this way


I needed a change in my life and went on a journey that opened me up to a whole new world of discovery. Experiencing different modalities and processes enabled me to embody the truth of who I am by learning to uncover the secrets of my heart.

It was the practice of forgiveness that truly turned my life upside down (in the best possible way.) This allowed me to step into the life I was meant to live.

Forgiveness Helped Me Rise From The Ashes of My Past
And Create a New Future

It is no accident that my logo is a phoenix. The phoenix represents transformation.  It is a beautiful symbol for depicting the death of our past allowing us to transform out of victimhood and create the reality of  our hearts deepest wishes.

Are you ready to:

Feel Empowered

Feel Peaceful

Be Purposeful

Thrive In All You Do

Live Joyfully

Own Your Worthiness

Are you ready to have the same transformation?


Changing your typical way of thinking is a game changer. It allows you to be in control of your thoughts and how those thoughts affect your life.

You can reshape your life into one that you are not just living, but that you are in love with. Imagine waking up and feeling excited for not just today, but for every day.

Take The Quiz

Are you struggling with a situation or a person in your life? Wondering if you are ready to work on forgiveness?

Take our quiz to find out your emotional IQ and how this impacts your ability to forgive.

Take the Quiz

Are you struggling with a situation or a person in your life? Wondering if you are ready to work on forgiveness?

Take our quiz to find out your emotional IQ and how this impacts your ability to forgive.


“I so greatly appreciate Brenda Reiss.  Working with Brenda the past 3 months and attending the Magic of Forgiveness workshop has brought me freedom that will last my life time.”  

Holly A.

“I have attended Brenda’s forgiveness workshops 2 years in a row and they are transformative. They come just at the right time, when I’m getting that stuck feeling again.   This work has helped me identify my blocks and release them. Brenda is divinely inspired and her radiant presence is compassionate, loving and supportive throughout the process.  I highly recommend her work if you are tired of being tired and ready to change your life for the better.”


“Great workshop yesterday with Brenda Reiss – Coach, radical forgiveness. I have been to hundreds of workshops and conferences in my life and I have to say, this is one of the best I can’t think of anyone who would not benefit from this amazing teaching and process.  It was an amazing day.”


“Brenda, I wanted to take a moment to send you a sincere heartfelt thank you.   I’ve done a lot of personal and spiritual growth work over the last twenty years but I didn’t realize until recently how much my childhood relationships were still controlling my reactions and happiness.  After my first session where I complained about all the reasons other people should be different, you gently encouraged me to engage in the Radical Forgiveness process with my mother.

My motto is that if you are going to take the time to do something, do it all the way.  Which I did. I wrote pages of thoughts and feelings about and to my mother. And then you lovingly lead me through a powerful re-frame process. I feel completely different now, about my mother and about myself.

I have a whole new connection to my mother because I see things from an adult’s perspective, not a child’s.  I now have a tool to help me re-frame all of my relationships and I’m committed to doing the work. I’m excited to see how this fresh perspective will improve my life. Thank you for sharing your gifts and passion for this work.” 

Tresa Leftenant