It feels surreal that it’s already the end of 2021. This has been of the fastest/slowest years (or 2) of our lives it seems.
From conversations I’ve been having, so many of us are feeling a bit weary.
So to help us get a bit more centered and ready for our next year, here are a few questions I’m asking myself. Would you like to join me?
Let’s close this year with some self reflection and bring in some good stuff for 2022.
1. What are your top 5 things that make you feel the proudest about the past year?
2. Who were your top 5 cheerleaders this year? What was their impact on you?
3. What are the top 5 feelings you want to embody/feel moving forward in 2022?
4. Now, imagine a time when you felt those things about yourself. Write about it. Breathe in those feelings. Imagine them. Feel them. Use this feeling as you plan for your 2022. They are a filter for all you are planning.
This is a great barometer to lovingly protect and guide your energy. And it’s a beautiful way to start bringing in that love for yourself.
Would you share your experience with me? I’d love to have you reach out and let me know your thoughts. What can I help you hold for a loving 2022?
Wishing you a blessed New Year and looking forward to getting to know you better this year.